SITPCRA changes name and sets new conference date!
International Council on Cultism and Ritual Trauma
9601 White Rock Trail, Suite 202
Dallas, Texas 75238.
Voice Mail: (214) 341-7552
Fax: (214) 341-3233
I got a letter from Pamela Perskin, executive director of the Society for the Investigation, Treatment, and Prevention of Cult and Ritual Abuse, the other day with exciting news. These folks are doing a very good job of trying to publicize the unknown tragedy in our midst. Pamela Perskin is a co-author of a very good book on the history of Ritual Abuse.
Here are some excerpts:
....The board of directors of the Society has elected to change the name for the
sake of clarity. The new name is the International Council on Cultism and
Ritual Trauma. There will be a conference in 1996 entitled Cult and Ritual
Abuse: Psychological, Legal and Social Remedies. It will take place at the
Bristol Suites Hotel in Dallas, Texas from April 11-14, 1996. Confirmed
presenters include Bennett Braun, M.D., Sylvia Gillotte (office of the
governor of South Carolina Attorney Ad Litem program), Jerry Mungadze, Ph.D.,
L.P.C., Claire Reeves of Mothers Against Sexual Assault, Robert Rockwell,
M.D., Phil and Kathleen Sheldon of Survivors and Victims Empowered, Beth
Vargo of Believe the Children, Steven Vasquez, Ph.D., Phil Villaume and
Robbie Malone (attorneys who represent attorneys against allegations of FMS),
Valarie Woolf, Randy Noblitt, Ph.D., Walter Bowart, and many more.....
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